Day 50 – Capitol Reef Sunday was another day of serious hiking in Capitol Reef National Park, possibly the toughest hike we’ve done together so
Author: Tracey

Day 43 – Monticello Sunday started off a week of some serious hiking in Utah. Our first day brought us to Canyonlands National Park, which

Day 36 – Pagosa Springs We started out early on Sunday morning to do one of Michael’s family’s favorite hikes from when they lived in Pagosa,

Day 29- Amarillo We took a slightly longer route to Amarillo so we could drive through Oklahoma for a bit. There’s not a whole lot

Day 15 – Grand Canyon Sunday morning we got up early to hike (some of) the South Kaibab trail down into the canyon. We were

Day 8 – Death Valley to Pahrump (via tow truck!) The day started off at Badwater Basin, elevation of 282 below sea level. The next stop was

Our second day in Death Valley, we started off at Badwater Basin with the intention of working our way back to Furnace Creek stopping at

Update Jan 2021: Watch our new video above to follow our journey from Portland, Oregon to Death Valley National Park. Day 1 – Portland to

And we’re off! Today, Michael and I embarked on our one-year dream adventure. The house is emptied out and rented, the cats have been dropped

Last year, on February 11, when Michael and I drove home our beloved Volkswagen Westfalia (well, Michael drove it, I followed behind in our other